I belong to the Calumet Region Photo Club (CRPC),
which is a member of the Chicago Area Camera Club Association (CACCA). Covid-19
has been as hard on us as on other groups, but things are getting better. And a
lot of that has to do with advances in technology that we didn’t even
anticipate 20 years ago.
CRPC hasn’t met in person since March. We used to meet
three Tuesdays a month—one for an education program, one for mentoring, and one
for competition. Some of the other clubs have been holding Zoom educational
programs and inviting us, and I did attend one of those, but we haven’t hosted any
ourselves. In June we resumed the mentoring via Zoom meeting. And now we are
getting ready to start the competition meetings up again using software
developed for that purpose by a member of another CACCA club.
I sat “Zoomed” in on a demonstartion of the software
last Tuesday, and I was impressed. Club members upload photos competition
photos, review them, and can—until the closing date for entries to that
competition—remove and/or replace them. When the competition date comes around,
the judges will rate the entries online and the software will do the rest.
The biggest difference is that there will be no more
print competition, at least for a while. It will all be done online, which
means only DPIs can be entered. But within each of the two classes (advanced
photographers and the rest of us), there will be categories for monochrome, color,
and a special monthly theme. That’s at the club level.
The best images from the club competition go on to a
CACCA competition. CACCA also has additional categories for individual entries
in nature, photojournalism, portrait, and creative.
In the past, I’ve submitted some DPIs but never
entered the print competition because of the logistics. Since the new system is
limited to DPIs, I will probably enter more often.
Winning a competition is always nice, but that’s not
my primary reason for entering. It’s more a way to get feedback on how my
photos compare with other photos. But the new software sounds like fun.
And I’m excited about using it.
The picture at the top of this post is a screen shot
of a software page for reviewing uploaded photos. This one shows a photo I took
of Diamond Head on Oahu.