Preserving What the Eyes See

Monday, June 24, 2024


Last week I mentioned that one of the reasons people take photographs is to preserve beautiful or interesting physical images. In other words, many of my photos are meant to transfer what my eyes see to film—or rather to a digital medium—so that I can come back to it again and again. That’s the primary reason I took the photo at the top of this blog, although it also reminds me of a trip to Puerto Rico with Roland and my mother in 2004.

I love castles, and I love lighthouses, so here are a couple of other images I wanted to preserve. The first is Eileen Donan in Scotland and the second is Wind Point Lighthouse in Wisconsin. These pictures also remind me of trips but, again, I took them primarily to preserve the images my eyes enjoyed.

This final one did not have a dual purpose. I took it simply so I could enjoy the image.

So if your eyes see a beautiful or interesting sight you want to preserve, take a picture.

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