I'll Try Again Next Year

Monday, August 12, 2024


Another Lake County Fair has come and gone. I submitted 15 photos this year and won nothing. That’s not unusual. My record has always be uneven. Last year I won three white ribbons and one blue one, but the year before that I also won nothing. And that’s okay. Yes, I like winning, but its the process that’s fun.

That’s why I’ve already started selecting photos for next year. Oh, not all of them, and even the ones currently in my 2025 folder may be replaced if I shoot something better before next summer. But if it fits a category and I like it, why not save it as a possibility?

One category I’ve never entered is for photos from the Lake County Fair itself. But last week I took several photos, including the one of the 4-H color guard that heads this post. I don’t know if it is good enough to win anything, but it is certainly good enough to enter, so I saved it to next year’s folder. I’ve also saved a couple of potential portraits (both taken at my soon-to-be daughter-in-law's’ bridal shower), a butterfly who posed for me while I was out on a walk, and a sports complex taken in Sydney during our trip to Australia last year.

I’ll add others over the next nine or ten months, and then I’ll have the fun of sorting through them and choosing the ones I like best.

Because, although ribbons are nice, I enjoy the process even when I don’t win.

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