Another Leader Retires

Monday, June 10, 2013

This is the month for retirements. Last week I wrote about David Brandt, who retired after 59 years teaching at St. Paul's Lutheran School.

Yesterday was Dr. Eric Stumpf's turn to retire after 40 years in the ministry, with the last 16 at St. Paul's Lutheran Church as senior pastor. He came in the summer of 1997, right after Caroline was confirmed. He did confirm John, however. He also married Caroline and Pete in 2006.

As a minister's daughter, I know from experience that pastors are expected to work 24 hours a day and still be well-rounded, family men. They can't leave the job behind when they go home for dinner at 5:00 p.m. or when they return two hours later for a meeting that may continue long into the evening. It's a demanding, often thankless, job, and not everyone can handle it for 40 years without burning out.

Thank you Pastor Stumpf for your many years shepherding St. Paul's congregation. Enjoy your well-earned rest.

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