Party Girl

Monday, January 16, 2023


I’m not much of a party girl, and I’ve had few birthday parties in my life. The first one I remember is my 15th birthday, when I invited several friends to a hot dog roast at our cabin just a mile or two from our house in DeTour. (That’s me second from the left.) I’m not sure why I chose to have it there since the cabin was still under construction and had no heat, and January can be quite cold in the Upper Peninsula. I also don’t know why April McGuire was wearing curlers, but at least it shows that she was comfortable around us. And I do remember having a good time.

Fast-forward 57 years. I share a birthday with Martin Luther King, Jr., and yesterday was both of our real birthdays (not the one set for MLK by the government). But while everybody is celebrating his birthday today, I celebrated mine yesterday with a surprise party.

When I woke up in the morning, I found a card from Roland with a note that we had luncheon reservations at noon. That was strange, because he usually takes me to dinner at Café Borgia, which doesn’t take reservations. As we drove, he said that one of the nice things about his election season job is that he discovers new places to eat. But then he pulled into the parking lot at Teibels Restaurant, which is a familiar place even though we hadn’t been there for a while.

We walked inside and I saw a friend from church and her husband and thought, “Oh, they came here for lunch, too.” Then I noticed some other friends around the table at about the same time one of them said, “surprise.” Roland had invited my three best friends from church and their husbands, and it really was a surprise.

Unfortunately, we had already left before I realized that I should have had the waitress take a group photo on my cell phone. That’s why I’m using one from my 15th birthday.

I had a lovely time, and I have a lovely husband, too.

And he’s the best present of all.

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